Sunday, February 26, 2017

p h o t o g r a p h y . . .

Here's a little unedited sneak peek at our shoot for prey swim...

 M I A O U  B U S T I E R 
pants/top- blue life
hat- free people
specs- Tom Ford

professional at changing suits in public

 office for the day

towel - missoni

so in love with this entire line and cannot wait for the future.. 
photography- casey loza
model- audrina patridge
stylist- audrina patridge

Sunday, February 19, 2017

w o l v e s

A fight is going on inside of you.

It is a terrible fight between two wolves. one is evil, he is anger. envy. sorrow. regret. greed. arrogance. self pity. guilt. resentment. inferiority. lies. false pride. superiority and ego.

The other wolf is good. he is joy. peace. love. hope. serenity. humility. kindness. benevolence. empathy. generosity. truth. companion. faith.

The same fight is going on inside of you and every other person.
 The one you feed is the wolf who will win. 

- Cherokee legend.

p l a s t i c w i n g s

Island life with sammy cakes continued...

Q. Can we talk about your passport!  Any tips on how to travel on a budget?
A.  Well you have to start yourself off right by researching a ton and helpful using companies like kayak, sky scanner etc. to score on the best priced tickets/ travel accommodations. Tuesday is the cheapest day to buy tickets side note* I usually save up a ton, and whatever kind of vacation I'm headed to I'm pretty well prepared. Rental car and grocery runs are first on my list and then I usually camp, snuggle up with the seats down in back of my suv rental or swoop on an air bnb or a cute safe, clean little hostel. Instead of staying at The St. Regis and never leaving your hotel and ordering $45 chicken strips for late night snacks, save that money and try to slum it - it's way more fun. Put that $45 towards upgrading to a 4WD so you can romp around and find a back road that leads to a natural mountain rooftop that you can watch the stars and talk story with the loved humans you've chosen to accompany you. (Although you have to do lots of research and be safe while roaming freely in unfamiliar lands) 

Q. What is your dream job? 
A.  To have a few acres on the BI of Hawaii, Hilo side. To farm hemp, create sustainable products out of hemp that benefit both the Mother Earth and her inhabitants. To have a beautiful garden surrounded by lilikoi trees, apple trees and guavas that home dozens of birds that wake me up each morning. Perhaps have a tiny house, a few tree houses for my nieces and nephews when they come to visit and a rad camera and a passport full of stamps. I want to travel and expose the wounds and blood that our Earth is experiencing in our life time, in hopes to expose things like deforestation, polluted rivers, destroyed ecosystems, sick oceans... In hopes that the humans on this Earth feel something after seeing it and wish to change, wish to save, wish to stop with the mindless consumerism and destruction of our natural resources. 

Q. What are you passionate about beside exploring Earth?
A. You mean finding Agartha? haha Exposing, exploring and learning. I intend to never stop doing any of these things.  Consciousness, time travel, the hollow Earth, ancient structures that link up to far away star systems that I beileve I once called home. I'm passionate about rolling in the warm sand under the milky way with my friends, making art and swimming in waterfalls and playing with animals.

Q. Can you take us through a day in the life of Island Sammy?
A.  Oh how I miss the island.
I wake up with no anxiety, no rushing, no worries. I hear the light rain on the tin roof and roll over to pet puppy and take him on a walk. Birds, rainbows, soft light and warm wind along with a macadamia hazelnut Kona coffee to start me off. I throw on some yoga pants and group up with some fellow humans to adventure around! Everyday is so different I can't really sum up everything in one day but whether it be wild dolphins, volcano climbing, jungle sweating, waterfall floating, shredding bowls, sipping dat green juice, hot yoga, salty kisses, pho dates, sandy's shorebreak session, north shore roams. The list goes on. My advice- go find out for yourself ;)

Q.  Has your perspective changed at all? You lived on a tropical island and are now back to the smoggy and grindy mainland.
A. I have so much perspective that I can see each person's reality and train of thought. I find myself angry at California, angry that everyone I know gets so sick here so often. That everyone feels validated only when wearing makeup and fancy badges of flashy society like accepting brands. I'm angry at the chem trails in the sky and the lack of time and love from anybody because they're too busy slaving away, stressing away for there job. It's a major bummer but when the sun softly touches the horizon when it's quiet and early in the morning - or after a good rain and all the canyons are lit up neon green- I realize that I love California, she raised me and loved me all along. I love her enough not to abandon her and leave her to melt away, I am here to help and after that I'm not sure where I'll wonder.. The islands feel like home and always will, but California needs me for now. What I'm trying to say is... love your story, love your home town, love your life don't run from it, it chose you for a reason so find that purpose and flourish.

"Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." 

Q. What is your dream vacation/ travel bucket list?
A. I would say a few of my closest star sisters, hiking bags full, hammocks packed and South America en route. All the way from Peru, Lake Titicaca- Machu Pichhu- all the way down to Patagonia, and then some. To Antartica to explore the mysterious last frontier. Low maintenance friends are the best but they have to love themselves a ton too. Life is about balance. 
I plan to explore all the chakras of the planet and the poles and the inside. I love caves and hot spots. 

Q. Do you plan out your travels by the hour and have itineraries? How do you find these gorgeous hiking spots?
A. I usually have something in mind mapped out, but you can't plan or schedule your life out too much  that's how you lose hold of the magic. ;) I mean, my ex boyfriend was the guru of the outdoors and showed me the ropes and would always take me to beautiful hidden spots that would blow me away just to see my eyes light up- damn does time escape you sometimes. But yes, google maps is fun to find hikes, all trails app is my best friend when I'm solo adventuring, or just research blogs and find hidden gems. Just be careful of unknown dangerous plants and animals. Also- full battery (invest in a solar charger for multiple day hikes), a knife and a water filter are not bad ideas either.

to be continued...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

l i o n e s s

Interview with my muse and the most beautiful soul I know Samantha <- go ahead and lurk so you see what I mean.. I'll wait.... #lifegoals

I have been trying to get back into shape after the winter and anytime I need inspiration I turn to Sam. 

Q. What is your secret to getting your body?
A. I don't have secrets, I don't eat animal carcasses, I don't drink cheap alcohol and I don't like to sit still for too long. 

Q. Any tips for someone who wants a lifestyle change? 
A. Everything is good in proportion so enjoy your life and order that beer, just perhaps consider a strong IPA instead of four sugary cocktails. And instead of eating meat as your main course swap it out for vegetables and exotic spices and sauces. Your diet and health is everything, get your blood work done check your hormones and food allergies. Buy organic food, and each morning may your ritual include earthing, meditation, stretching, journaling, soft music, multivitamins and probiotics.

Q. What if someone needed to lose weight fast (safely) for vacation?
A. If you're trying to cut down weight quick and re shape your body, replace dinner with a green juice and protein shake, cycle three times a week and just move your body into a new lifestyle. Movement meaning you can go on a hike surrounded by ferns and flowers, or go for a long swim in the lake, ocean, pool, whatever you can find. Go rock climbing or start climbing mountains on saturday mornings instead of nursing your hangover/sleeping in after late night Netflix binging. 

Q. So you must follow a pretty strict diet/exercise routine?
A. Don't get me wrong, time alone and time to reflect and set intentions daily is absolutely important to ones spiritual health and happiness which is just as important if not more than your physical self. Anyways I am done, I don't aim to be skinny or ridiculous either I just refuse to have less muscle than what would help me survive if the world fell into shambles and I had to survive the Apocalypse. Lioness 100%!

Q. What is your go to meal when you're short on time but want to eat healthy?
A. A piece of power seed toast with avocado on top, bell peppers, garlic salt and a little ponzu. Or just toast and almond butter if I'm in a major rush.

to be continued...

Friday, February 17, 2017

p r e y

It started with an idea. 
an idea that became a dream. 
This dream sparked passion.

   an idea fueled by pure passion...
The sort of passion that wakes a person up in the middle of the night.
The sort of passion that refuses to let go.

This passion has a secret love.
The kind of love that has a dorsal fin and rows of serrated teeth.
The kind of love that is dangerous yet delicate. 

There is great mystery behind that kind of love.

It is known
In the end people will only protect what they love.
In the end people will only love what they understand.

To know you must meet this love face to face.
Once you have felt the ancient power and basked in it's presence 
There is no coming back.