Friday, February 17, 2017

t h e o r i e s

Monsters exist. My children call them GMO's. This might sound out there if you aren't aware of the genetic engineering that is going on with our food in America. I say America because once you start to do your research you will be amazed at how much is ILLEGAL in a ton of other countries. I decided to interview my six year old son Draven about his theories... 

Q. Hi Draven, can you tell me about GMOS?
A. They are scary and soon they will take over the world. 

Q. What do you mean by that? Can you tell me a story? 
A. Once upon a time there was a scientist, probably a mad one in a evil lab. Maybe at one time he wanted to make food bigger and yummier to feed poor people but then he got evil and wanted to get a lot of money from farmers. So he went in his lab and cut open plants blood and made GMOS and they created monster plants and animals. GMO Corn is a monster plant, cows who eat monster plants are monsters too. 

Q. It sounds like you definitely know that eating GMOs is a bad idea.
A. They have chemicals that change your brain and make you sick and maybe dead. 

Q. How do you avoid eating them?
A. Buy organic food and read the box. I try to eat food that God made instead of science food that humans make.

Q. Why do you think they will take over the world?
A. because they can kill human kind and make mutants and there will be no one to stop them and they will take over the world.

------Thank you Dre, you are awesome and I love your brain.

( do your research on GMOS and eating organic, Draven is six and knows Genetically Modified Foods are bad for him to eat so goal accomplished )

This may seem funny that a six year old knows all this but he is very smart, pays attention and loves to help me cook. 

My own theory on eating (non organic/GMO) is that when you consume food that isn't natural to your design... (flaming hot cheetos anyone?) The body doesn't know how to use it as food (energy) so we store it as fat. Then we are still hungry because we've consumed some weird empty calories with no true nutrients. Building an excess of toxins that hold on to fat cells while they change our DNA. Since I started eating Organic foods and went on a vegan diet I am never bloated, my skin/scalp is 100% better and I have even lost the stubborn belly fat without having to exercise rigorously. 

so phase one... get rid of as many toxins as you can in your diet. I know eating organic is expensive but not eating organic isn't worth it. (google the dirty dozen list for some fruits and veggies you can start by replacing first) and take probiotics! We will get into that one later. 

-Casey and Dr. Draven

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